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Thursday 16 May 2013

You Are What You Are – A Must Read

You are what you are! What does this mean? This means that there are no excuses in life. What you have in your life, your level of happiness, or your level of financial prosperity is directly attributable to your actions (or lack thereof). No one else is to blame! You can attempt to blame the economy, the government, your parents, or your spouse, but you will do so to no avail. The only enemy that you have in this life is living on the inside of you; my real enemy is… “in me.” An Example If you’re married and you think that you are unhappy with your spouse, it is really just a sign that you are unhappy with yourself. What you think is your frustration with your spouse is only a reflection of your internal frustration and dissatisfaction. How many people seek to divorce their spouse when the real problem is in them? Their spouse is only a reflection of who they are, and the sole reason they want a divorce is because they unknowingly despise their own reflection in the mirror. Instead of changing what’s in the mirror, they seek to change the mirror. You see, in this day and age, it’s relatively easy to get a new mirror, but it’s hard to change the person standing in front of the mirror. In other words, when you’ve been “shacking-up” with a certain mentality for 30years, it’s hard to put that mentality out of your house. Instead of “changing”, most people decide toget a new mirror. And while that new mirrormay shine at first, it will soon lose its glossy appearance, and the true image will be revealed once again… Don’t get me wrong, …if you happen to be in a dangerous situation, you should get out, but once you get out, you must also come to grips with how you manifested such a situation. If you don’t, you will “re-manifest” the situation. It may be with a different person, they may have a different problem, but you will remain dissatisfied with the image in the mirror until “you change.” Some people have elected to have no “close mirrors” around them. They don’t even wantto see how they look; they just run pass the mirrors! I could write an entire series on this, but you’re not ready for it. Another Example We’re talking about the subject “You Are What You Are” because some people think life has short-changed them; they feel that they are due something that they do not currently possess. If you think you should be driving a Ferrari instead of a Ford, then … you are wrong. Youare what you are; the universe, if you will, hasnot made any mistakes. If you were ready to handle driving a Ferrari, then that’s exactly what you would be driving. You see, the only way to reach higher levels of human growth is through change. You must change who you are! So don’t get mad when people say, “you’ve changed.” You’re supposed to change! The only person not changing is the person not growing. You must change! Don’t try to change your circumstances, change yourself; don’t try to win the lottery or devise some scheme to gather riches overnight … devise a scheme to change yourself. Put it another way, become the typeof person who drives a Ferrari, and you will attract that level of vehicle into your life. You Are What You Are Let me repeat, if you’re unhappy with your life, the issue is within “you.” Don’t go searching “outside,” for something that is missing on the “inside.” If you lost your keys in your home, would you go searching for those keys outside? Of course not! What hasbeen lost on the inside can only be found on the inside. You must not blame, you must change, because nothing changes until “YOU” change, and although that sounds cliché, it is the absolute truth. It is a truth that must be lived and applied if you are to reap its benefits. In Closing To sum it all up: “In order to change your life, you must change what you think!” You should have known that’s where I was goingwith this! I only have one message! I just have a thousand different ways of teaching it, because sometimes it takes hearing it a thousand different ways to fully understand it. “There is no substitute for changing the way you think.” A change has to take place in your thoughts. When you change your thinking, you will change your actions, and you will change your life….We are desperate to change our situations, but more often than not, we are “unwilling” to change ourselves. We want the circumstances to change, but what is a circumstance, but a circum-ference around our stance. Howbeit unpopular, our circumstances will not change until we change, and not a second sooner. We must change – this is hard because it’s soeasy to point the finger and say “that person is the problem,” or “the economy is the problem,” or “my boss is the problem,” but the real problem is the person reading these words right now.

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