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Saturday 18 May 2013

Why Most People Won’t Succeed

Success doesn’t belong to everyone! Which explains why everyone’s not successful; everyone’s not going to succeed! Everyone’s not going to live their dream. We won’t all behappy, living in amazing homes, and driving exotic cars. It’s just not going to happen, and the reason it won’t happen is because success doesn’t belong to everyone; success is solely the property of the “mature.” What would happen if a five year old boy wassent to attend Harvard University? He probably wouldn’t do very well, right? I’m certain he would flunk out his very first semester. Not that there’s anything wrong with the little boy, but at this stage in his life, he’s not mature enough to handle such an overwhelming challenge. They’d undoubtedlysend him back to kindergarten. In order for the little boy to successfully”make it” at Harvard University he must first go through grade school, and do well, and then he must go through high-school, and dowell, and then he must score well on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. He must first qualify. What would happen if your company made you president tomorrow? Would you know what to do? Would you know what to tell themedia? Your shareholders? Your employees? A raging customer? Have you qualified for this level of success? Are you ready to lead thousands; are you an excellent example that should be duplicated tens of thousands of times over? You must first qualify for success! Over the course of years you must “grow” to become a successful person. Why does it take so long to succeed? The reason it takes so much time to succeed is because it often takes so much time to mature. But maturity is necessary, no one wants to eat a banana that’s not yet ripe; another word for ripe is ready. The reason it takes time to succeed is because it takes timefor you to get ready to be a great example. You must go though a training period, a maturing period, where you are purged and made ready to succeed. Time is not enough Just because you go through the training period, or the preparation period, doesn’t mean you’re going to succeed. You can studyfor a test, and still fail. In order to succeed you have to pass the test;you have to prove your worthiness to the world by showing your maturity time and time again. You must move from level to levelto level. You must gradually progress through the levels. The levels make you better, they give you experience, they prepareyou for where you’re going. The levels are necessary! The levels make you a success! Put it anotherway, your ability to grow from level to level turns you into a successful person. Desire Increase You must desire increase; to go from Level 1 to Level 2. Anybody could do this, but most aren’t willing to. Why? Because when you’re at Level 1, it’s comfortable, it takes work to grow enough to make it to Level 2, and the average person is not willing to work this hard. This is why everyone won’t succeed, everyone’s not willing to mature to the level needed to experience success; everyone’s notwilling to ripen. Do some people mature early? It may appear that some people mature early,but they’ve probably just been hanging on the vine longer. You don’t necessarily know everything they were taught as a kid, you don’t know when their preparation began, so don’t focus on the maturity of others; focus on your own success. If you do this, and if you commit to grow from level to level, to become an example, to lead, in the right time you will ripen, and although everyone won’t succeed, you will.

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