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Monday 13 May 2013

Why You Must Visualize

How important is “Visualization?” Jerry Bill Mills who is a 1964 Olympic gold medalist has an amazing story on the power of visualization. Bill was considered a major underdog in the 1964 Olympics for the 10,000 meter dash. While training for the 1964 Olympics, Bill would visualize himself winning the gold medal, he would see himself crossing the finish line everyday. When the time came for the race, Bill was prepared (both mentally andphysically). The race started, Bill was “hanging-in” the race well, towards the very end of the race Bill was in third place, and thought, I’m just going to go for the bronze medal; even this would be an outstanding achievement. Then Bill had another thought, the thought was, “I think I can do it, I think I can do it.” Even though Bill was still behind, and the racewas nearly over, another thought came to him saying, “I won, I won, I won!” Out of nowhere, and just seconds from the finish line, Bill had an amazing burst of energy, surpassing the second runner, and then passing the first runner, and winning the gold medal in one of the greatest upsets in Olympic history; giving another tribute to the power of visualization. A Clear Vision of The Future You must have a clear vision of your life. I like to say, I dream my life, and then I live my dream. Isaiah wrote, “Without a vision, the people perish.” Visualization gives you the motivation to succeed.

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