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Wednesday 29 May 2013

What kind of a player are you on your team?

You are one of the team players in your division, department or organization. What kind of player do you think you are on your team? Is your team pulling hard because of you? Is your team performing well because of your great contribution? In my experience of working with different people, I have seen that there are four kinds of team players. You will see the kind of player you are on your team after you have gone through the following: 1. Detrimental team player A detrimental team player is the one whose attitude is too negative. His or her attitude kills the morale of the team. This kind of a team player is always unwilling to admit wrongdoing. He or she does not accept correction. It is too painful to work with people who are not willing to admit that they are wrong. The wrong attitude of this kind of a player creates conflict on the team. Detrimental team player has a political mentality, as a result, he or she plays political mind games on the team. The team is ultimately hurt and underperforming. Detrimental player in the team doesn't forgive. Unforgiveness within a team hurts the team so badly. This kind of a player is bitter, resentful and poisonous. 2. Go-slow team player This kind of player is not capable of keeping pace with his or her teammates or helping the team get where it wants to go. The issuewith this kind of a player is ability. Go-slow players don't grow and develop in their area of responsibility. They don't see the big picture. They don't deal with their personal weak spots. Team players of this kind lag behind with the rest of the team. They can't fulfil their expectations for their area. Go-slow team players slow down the momentum of the team. They are a weak link on the team. Strong team members' performance get affected by go-slow team players and they begin to resent them. 3. Mediocre team player Mediocre team players hold fast to the statusquo. They lack passion to see new positive changes. They conform to the normal standard of the team. When the team performs poorly, they flow with the current. Mediocre team players are not willing to takerisks for the sake of the team's success. Theydon't conquer new territories for their team. 4. Momentum makers Team players who are momentum makers make things happen for their team. They move things forward and create momentum.That is, they cause mobility on the team in the form of motivation, performance, influence and results. Momentum makers change the status quo, they overcome obstacles that stand in their way of winning. They are leaders in their organizations. They motivate, inspire and influence their fellow teammates to give their all to the mission. Momentum makers are effective even when the pressure is on. They make things happenregardless of circumstances and situations. They don't allow pressure to hinder them from achieving their goals. Momentum makers produce results when the load is heavy. They help lift the load of their leaders. They do this by taking certain tasks belonging to the leader to help them. They avail themselves to lift the load of the leader. As a result, the leader is inspired and influenced by them. Conclusion My dear friend, now you know what kind of team player you are. If you fall in one of the first three kinds of team players, it is time that you do a noble thing and change your attitude. If I were you, I would choose to be a momentum maker kind of a team player. Don't be counted among the trouble makers,but be counted among the difference makers. I wish you all the best in your endeavour to become a momentum maker on your team.

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