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Monday 27 May 2013

Change your life

Do Not Be Deceived, You Will Be Mocked!! If you are married to a woman like Bishop David Oyedepo's, you must be one of the few blessed men on planet earth. Imagine, I read in one the pamphlets they wrote together that this particular woman would, after getting paid every month-end, go home, kneel down before the then unemployed husband, and give him the whole salary so that as head of the house,he may have the final say on how much goes where when they are making a budget. The woman would then obey and not do otherwise. Most often than not,a broke brother would be reduced to a slice of bread not only by the wife, but also by his relatives and close friends. Just as we are limited in everything we do, man's patience is also limited. So do not be carried away by man's sympathy(including your wife's) because at a certain point, things will change and believe you me, you will not like what you'll begin to see let alone what you'll start hearing. I hate being broke because of what I used to see when I was not in employment. I hated sitting at home the whole day without doing anything. I developed grave hate too for sympathy because I frequently detected someelement of mock in soothing words. So, if you want to avoid being hurt by what people say or do, start thinking of doing something to change your life. But do not spend years thinking, start something. The book of Ecclesiastes encourages us that,"Whatever our hands finds to do, we must doit with all our might". The problem,however, is that we are too proud to do certain things. Some jobs or businesses are too small for us. We want something that will 'explode' real quick and bang!!! we are in bling bling. Nothing genuine works like that. The system that God instituted is that everything should start as a small thing and slowly grow big . Just look at yourself, you started as a baby, but now that is no longer the case. A lot of people have missed it in life, they are busy looking for bigger opportunities and yettheir breakthrough is in small things. Therefore, do not despise the days of humblebeginnings. Do not mind about what people will say, but be focused on what you would like to achieve. Somebody said, "Go as far as you can see, andwhen you reach there, you will see further".This is true because when you start doing something, you will begin to interact with people who will share other opportunities with you, hence you will go a step further on the ladder of success. I have heard of people who have risen from what the would terms as "nothing" to respected members of society. Here are examples: I have heard of a man who rose from makingfritters to being a car dealer. I have also heard of a man who rose from doing a door to door collection of containers from women in one the compounds in Lusaka to draw water for them for a certain amount of money to becoming a landlord. These examples point to one thing; you can achieve anything in life if you are determined to. Stop blaming the economy and your government all the time and get down to work. Of course, the government has its role to play. But waiting for government will delay if not deny you an opportunity to succeed. I have also discovered that the greatest enemy to our success is ourselves. Let us change our attitude because it determines our altitude. Some of us are just too lazy. Some workers even threaten to go on strike demanding bigger salaries for doing nothing!

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