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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Need Better Results? Shift Your Thoughts!

Are your thoughts fueling theresults you want to bring intoyour life? Your individual thoughts and beliefs are similar to chapters in a book. When you put them all together, you have the belief system that becomes your story. You have beliefs about yourself at work, at home, in relationships, and in all others areas of your life. The more you repeat your story, the more you believe it. Therefore, oneseemingly insignificant doubt or negative thought can have a major impact on your results—it shifts what you think is possible. Here’s what the link between your thoughts and results looks like. Your results feed back into your thoughts, so everything is related. Thoughts —> Beliefs —> Mindset —> Actions —> Results/Reality What ifyou replaced each ounce of doubt withpossibility and potential? *.Replace doubt that you can change careers to being excited about the possibilities. What ifyou replaced each ounce of fear withcourage and love? *.Replace fear of being yourself, speaking the truth, or following yourpassion to having the courage to create a life you love. What ifyou replaced each ounce of anxiety withbelief and excitement? *.Replace anxiety of what will happen in six months with your relationship to enjoying the moment. The key is to condition yourselfnotto give any attention to thoughts that weigh you down and doubt your potential. We start this cycle by bringing greater awareness to the words we use and thoughts that run through our mind. Then we replace negativephrases such as “I’m not a good salesperson” or “I’m not good in relationships” to phrases that offer possibility, such as “This is my first time in sales so I’m going find a mentor and learn as much as possible” or “I am open to revealing my true self and loving and being loved in my relationship.” The process starts with one thought. “I vow to let go of all worries and anxiety in order to be light and free.” Thich Nhat Hanh What ifbecomes living your best life NOW! What are the greater possibilities for your life when you shift your thoughts?

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