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Wednesday 15 May 2013

How Do You Change Your Programming

This article is a continuation of the article “ Why Your Life Never Changes .” The Importance of Programming There was a woman who had a five year old son, and although the boy was perfectly healthy, he did not speak a word; only a few grunts here and there. After an interview with the mother, it was quickly realized why the boy was unable to speak. The boy’s mother had never spoken to him! She was waiting on the boy to start speaking to her, so that she could speak backto him. She didn’t realize that she was the one who was responsible for programming the child. What’s the point? You may not realize that you’re the one responsible for your programming! If you’re running on old programming that you don’t like, programming that was given to you by your parents, or your friends, programming that causes failure; it’s up to you to change that programming. If you don’t change the programming, your life will never change. As soon as the program changes, your life will begin to change. Your Current Programming Where did your programming come from? You tell me. How did you learn how to walk, how did you get the “Walk 4.0” programming installed into your “head’s computer.” Yes, that’s right…you learned to walk throughrepetition. How did you get the “English 3.0” software installed into your head’s computer? You learned it through repetition; hearing the language over-and-over-again. You learned from others who had the “English 3.0” software already installed in their computer. Someone can only give you the software that they have. If they’re running on “Poverty 3.0”and “Bad Attitude 2.9,” that’s all they can giveyou. I can’t get “Microsoft Word” from Wal-Mart, if they don’t have it. How Do You Change the Programming? Through repetition; that’s how you received the original programming, and it’s how you will receive new programming. … However , uploading “Chinese 3.0” is not as easy as uploading “Microsoft Word.” You can upload “Microsoft Word” on your computer in a matter of minutes, but “Chinese 3.0” could take a few years (…and the more complex the program the longer it takes to upload), but rest assured, once the programming is uploaded, it will run every time. If you upload “Cooking 4.0,” then you will know how to cook. If you upload “Prosperity4.0” then you will know how to manifest prosperity. If you upload “Success 4.0” then you will know how to succeed, every time. Have you ever woke up and forgot how to speak English? Not if you’re running on “English 4.0.” Once you have the software in your mind through repetition, once you’ve received that programming from people whohave it already, once it’s fully installed, then you will run on that software automatically. There Are Many Programs Don’t spend your life running on “Poverty 3.0,” “Depression 4.0,” “Jealousy 2.0,” “Cigarettes 7.0,” “Bad Habit 11.0,” and “Obesity 6.0.” …Change the programming through repetition… …you must learn from others who have that programming! It’s not enough for you to hear what you’re supposed to do “one time!” It has to be encoded in your mind through repetition. If you heard someone speak Chinese “one time,” do you think you would learn it? Of course not, you would have to hear it over-and-over-and-over-again. If you’re struggling with your weight, it’s not enough for someone to tell you how to be healthy. The first step is to be open to receive new programming…and then you need to hear it over-and-over-and-over-again until it changes your software from “Overweight 6.0” to “Sexy 6.0.” “Overweight 6.0” will force you to be 30 pounds overweight automatically, but “Sexy 6.0” will give you a tight body. You Need the Right Software That’s why I’m in the process of creating mini-audiobooks for your “head’s computer!” These mini-audiobooks will be coming out soon, and will be released at leastonce per month. These audiobooks will contain the programming you need to reprogram your mind, and will be in a formatwhich will allow you to listen to them over-and-over-again. The first mini-audiobook will be on success (in general). It will be titled “The 12 Habits of Highly Successful People,” as you listen to the simple message contained in the book over-and-over-again, you will begin to have the programming of a successful person, andthen you will succeed, you will be running on the program that causes success. After the first book I will release audiobooks specifically designed for you to change specific areas in your life. I will release an audiobook that will give you the “Prosperity” program, the “Sexy” program, the “Healthy” program, the “Successful Relationship” program, and many others. When you listen to these short programs over-and-over-and-over-again, they will change your programming. …And once you have the program fully installed, you will succeed automatically. It’s all in the programming!

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