Spend just twenty minutes twice a day meditating and you’ll feel healthier, happier, and more present, all day! Meditation changes your life in subtle but powerful ways. Take my experience when I first started practicing meditation. I was going through a worried, busy, stressful time in my life. I could barely focus because my mind was so overwhelmed with my fears and everything I felt I needed to accomplish. I knew I had to do something to keep from self-destructing, so I started meditating – just like I recommend you do – twenty minutes every morning and again in late afternoon.
Meditation Makes You More Open
After just a week, I remember walking out the door and noticing some lovely flowers growing in my front yard. I wondered, “Where did those come from?” I realized that they were perennials that I had planted myself the previous year, and that they had actually been blooming in my yard for weeks! I had been too preoccupied to notice them until I started meditating. Without fireworks or fanfare, meditation enabled me to be more open, receptive and appreciative of the world around me, and that was a very good thing! At that moment I was hooked, and I’ve been meditating every day since.
If the idea of meditation appeals to you but you can’t seem to find the time, I urge you to consider my story, and make meditation a priority in your life. You’re too busy not to! Today’s pace is faster and more frantic than ever before, and if you don’t schedule yourself a little downtime, your fast track life can really wear you out.
Easy Meditation Tips
You don’t have to retreat to a Tibetan mountaintop to learn to meditate – even if some days that thought might appeal to you! All that you need to get started are a few minutes in a quiet place a couple of times a day, along with the will and dedication to stick with your daily meditation until it becomes a habit.
Simply follow these 5 easy tips and you will be seeing and feeling the magical benefits of daily meditation in every aspect of your life in no time:
1. The best time to meditate is first thing in the morning when you wake up – before you leave your bedroom, feed the kids, walk the dog, or, god forbid, check your email. Make it a habit to start your day right with meditation and you will find the transition into the rest of your day will be so much smoother and seamless!
2. Find time in the later afternoon or at the end of the day (before dinnertime) to fit in another 10-20 minutes of meditation. If you have an office at work, try closing the door for privacy and ask to not be disturbed. Or sit in your car for a few minutes before you start your drive home.
3. Make your daily meditation space quiet-proof. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door for deliveries and visitors. Turn the sound off on your phone, computer, you name it, for just those few minutes. Your psyche and body will thank you for these few moments of quiet time you are giving yourself daily!
4. Don’t worry if you fall asleep once in a while when you’re meditating! Let yourself follow what your body is telling you to do and give in to the sleep. However, if you find that you are falling asleep every time you meditate, that means you are sleep deprived and you might want to consider passing on that late TV show and getting to bed earlier. Remember that adequate sleep is critical if you want to function effectively during the day!
5. Use a real meditation technique. You need a qualified teacher who can show you how to meditate correctly, and lead by example. If you’re not in the groove with an established meditation practice, consider checking out my meditation workshop download where I teach you how to meditate. I even give you your own personal mantra and seat it deeply in your energy field and body.
source: heal your life
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