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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

I Can See the Future

I can see into the future…but I can only see “clearly” a few months or so…take for example this Web site, I can see it several months from today… …I’m looking at the site right now, as we speak, and I don’t see what you see. What I see… “is in the future,” and it has not yet been manifest into reality. As an example, when you look at this Web site you see “advertisements,” but I don’t…because when I look at this site, I viewit using my futuristic eye; “my third eye.” …If you were to come with me into the future, or read this article a few months from now (in the future), then you would see whatI see; you would see that there are no advertisements on this site. …You see a Web site with approximately 3,600 regular readers, but I see over 4,000 regular readers, it’s what I see. You see a Web site without any “products” on it. I see a “Products” tab towards the top of the site that offers amazing life-changing mini-audiobooks for just a few dollars. If youwere to come into the future with me, then you would see these things that I see. I can see the future via my thoughts…My ability to see my future, allows me to create my future… What I see and believe I get to have. Your Dominant Thoughts Your dominant thoughts are like the tracks ofa train, they say “exactly” where you go. The good news is: you’re the one who lays the tracks…Because I have already laid the tracks of where I’m going in the future, I can see it quite clearly. …Even though I haven’t arrived into the future yet, I’m on the mountain top, and I canclearly see the path ahead. I can see the trackthat has been laid; after all, I’m the one who laid it. Can you see your future? What do you see? What are your dominant thoughts about the next few months? Have you laid the “proper”tracks? Have you painted a picture, one that you want to live into? Michelangelo said, “A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.” In your imagination you must see what the final picture will be; if you can’t see it in your brain, your hands will never be able to carry-out the assignment. …Not only was Michelangelo a painter but he was also a sculptor, he once said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” Your future is like that block of stone, your future has greatness inside it, but you have to carve the greatness out. You have to first carve out the greatness in your mind, so that your hand can carve the greatness in reality. Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” You have to see your future “in the marble,” and you have to carve until you set it free! Carve until you set free your success, carve until you set free your dream home, carve until you set free your dream body, carve until you set free your dream family, carve until you set free your happiness, carve, and carve, and carve until you set it free! Only you can set it free, only you can change your world, only you can change your life. You have to lay the track in your mind, paint the picture in your imagination, and then let your hands take you to your intended destination. When you can see it in your mind, it’s only a matter of time before it shows up in reality. What you can see, you can surely have. Can you see it?

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