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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

20 Ways To Maximize Your Levels Of Motivation


Feeling De-Motivated?


1 - Find your personal mantra

Think of a short slogan to keep your focused (It doesn’t have to be 3 paragraphs long, just a couple of powerful words will do) .Motivational quotes are a good mantra springboard, check ones these out when you need a head pump of motivation.

2 - Get enough sleep

Make sure to spend at least eight hours of your day in deep sleep to allow your body and mind to relax in readiness for the demanding journey ahead. The more R.E.M sleep the better, so make sure you rest your head at a suitable time, preferably before 11pm.

3 - Whatever you eat matters a lot

Whatever you eat can affect not just your physical health but also your psychological wellbeing.
If you are wondering how to get motivated it’s time you started choosing your meals more carefully – especially breakfast. Stick to high energy foods such as fruits, vegetables, eggs and low-fat yoghurt etc. to get the right supply of energy to keep the momentum you need to reach your goals.

4 – Plan your day out

Failure to plan is planning to fail! Get up in the morning and spend about 15 minutes planning your day. Keep in mind that this is a flexible plan just to provide you with a rough sketch of what to do during the day. This way you mentally know what needs to be done and you won’t float around the place with no direction.

5 – Get your swagga up!

The way we dress has a significant bearing to the way we feel throughout our day. Make sure you get out of your PJ’s, do your hair, brush your teeth, so that you are getting your mental and physical into the idea of being ready for something.

6 – Pump up the jamz

Music is a powerful source of motivation. Make it a habit to listen your favorite pumped up tune to inspire a little motivation and power to fight on.

7 – Your body deserves to be rewarded

If you want to stay motivated against all of life’s tides, you have to learn to love yourself first. Treat your body to something nice after achieving certain goals along the way, stretch, pamper your self or grab a massage from a nearby and willing friendly.

8 – Don’t just sit there, get active

If you see yourself spending the most part of your day sitting in front of the TV, you are likely to lose the zeal to take on various life challenges. Hit the road, smash the weights, bounce a ball or skip to get your blood flowing.

9 – Remember some of your best moments

Take a couple of minutes to rush through your peak moments to create a sense of fulfillment. This is a fast and effective positivity technique that really does work.

10 – Don’t just dream; dream biggest

If you can dream it, you can achieve it! So, dream on… and wake up ready to actualize your dreams.

11 – Subscribe to motivational newsletters and emails

Keep feeding your mind with positive content. Identify some top-notch inspirational names on the net and subscribe to their mailing lists to receive constant support messages. 

12 – Associate with positive minded people

If you tend to spend the bulk of your time around negative, de-motivated and short-term friends, chances are that you are also going to lose your focus. Invest in inspired and optimistic friends. Jim Rohn said it best when he said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

13 – Share your goals

To create a sense of responsibility, share your goals with close friends and accomplices.

14 – Don’t do it single-handedly

Don’t block your path to success by locking out important people out of your life. Make sure to invest in a stable support network. Strength in numbers baby!

15 – One step at a time

Being successful is something gradual. Take small but smart steps and before you realize it, you’ll have achieved a huge milestone. Remember, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

16 – Look at the glass as half full, not half empty

Pessimism can ruin your motivation greatly. Learn to stay positive in your quest by focusing on your positive achievements rather than on your failures. From each failure we learn how we can do things even better the next time. Embrace your failures and keep your head up because you are one step closer than you were yesterday.

17 – Get real with yourself

If you feel de-motivated, find a mirror and give yourself a good look. Urge yourself forward by saying something like…”James you can make it!” Affirmations work, they pump you up and help you psych yourself into the state of mind needed to make things happen.

18 – Read inspirational books

Books are golden gems as far as motivation building is concerned. Read motivational books, while you drive, read auto biographies of those who you admire, the greats, those who have persevered through thick and thin.

19 – Take a deep breath

Take a second to chill, breathe in deeply and exhale slowly ten times. As you do so, take time to think of good things in your life (as suggested in tip 9). We are more effective when we are not scatter brained about things, you want to be as clear minded as possible to focus on your goals for the day, week or month.

20 – Invest in others

This is actually the most powerful motivation tip of them all. If you help others, it will empower you with a fulfilling energy to achieve great things yourself. You are someone of value, your confidence levels will be boosted and you will have more faith in what you are capable of because you have shown to yourself, and others, that you are a man of value heart and skills.
As you continue to move towards your life goals, we wish you all the best, every step of the way!

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